Vasilis Tsartsanis

Vasilis Tsartsanis about entry points of migrants FYROM-Greece at EU Parliament

Challenges of regional cooperation and solidarity for NGOs, Vasilis Tsartsanis

Elevate Festival Opening Event - Vasilis Tsartsanis introduction

Welcome to Greece

Trailer Vicinities Europe _ The Migrant and Refugee crisis

New Activists of European Culture: Point Of No Return

The small room project exhibition @Skopje

Idomeni-refugees are calling... MEP Josef Weidenholzer & MEP Ana Maria Gomes-Vasilis Tsartsanis.

The small room project exhibition @Bensousan Han Thessaloniki

Wrong Step 4 “Kalimera’’ by Asklepeion

Alexandros Djkevingr - Wrong Step 4 “Kalimera’’ by Asklepeion

Tash - Wrong Step 4 “Kalimera’’ by Asklepeion

small room project - promo and titles

Ausstellung 'small room project' in Skopje, Mazedonien

The Small Room project exhibition @THEATRE DE LA COMMUNE, PARIS

The small room project exhibition @Elevate festival, Graz

The Small Room project exhibition @ELEVATE FESTIVAL 2018

Camille Hannoun & VAL - Wrong Step 4 “Kalimera’’ by Asklepeion

The small room project exhibition @National Theatre La Commune - Paris

Jojo Angel - Wrong Step 4 “Kalimera’’ by Asklepeion

Documentaries & Films - Teaser

O.M.Th Trailer

Greg Ignatovich - Wrong Step 4 “Kalimera’’ by Asklepeion

the small room project exhibition @National gallery - Skopje // small station